

Academic Programs at Kor-In follow a semester system. Each semester comprises of six to seven (3 credit hour) core and elective courses of 45 class hours each amounting to 315 class hours per semester. The courses include essential Readings, Research Papers and Seminar Presentations, as partial fulfilment of the courses thereof.  The Academic Committee at Kor-In reserves the right to make timely revisions and amendments to the subjects and their respective academic requirements.



SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 English Grammar 3
2 O.T Survey 3
3 Introduction to Mission and Evangelism 3
4 Bible Characters 2
5 Spiritual Formation and Discipleship 3
6 Study Methods 2
7 Book of Acts 3
  Total 19


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 English Composition 2
2 N.T Survey 3
3 Christian Education 3
4 Church History-I 2
5 History of Israel 3
6 Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ 2
  Total 17


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Christian Theology-1 3
2 Church History-2 3
3 Pauline Letters 3
4 Biblical Interpretation 3
5 Principles of Church Growth 3
6 Pentateuch 3
  Total 18


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Christian Theology-2 3
2 Missionary Anthropology 3
3 Indian Society and Culture 3
4 General Epistles 3
5 Major Prophets 3
6 Christian Leadership 3
  Total 18


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Indian Church History 3
2 Homiletics 3
3 Preliminary Greek 3
4 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counselling 3
5 Indian Christian Theology 3
6 Minor Prophets 2
  Total 17


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Media and Gospel communication 3
2 Biblical Theology 3
3 Christian Ethics 3
4 Hebrew Poetry and Wisdom Books/Apocalyptic Literature 3
5 Child Psychology/Women in Ministry 3
6 Christian Response to Contemporary Issues 3
  Total 19




SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Research Methods 2
2 English Composition 3
3 Biblical Foundation for Mission 3
4 Introduction to Old Testament 3
5 Preliminary Greek 3
6 Major World Religions 3
  Total 17


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Advanced Homiletics 3
2 Systematic Theology-1 3
3 Modern Religious and Secular Movements 3
4 Introduction to New Testament 3
5 Pentateuch 3
6 History of Christianity 3
  Total 18


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Biblical Hebrew 3
2 Biblical Hermeneutics 3
3 Synoptic Gospels 3
4 Educational Ministries of the Church 3
5 Systematic Theology-2 3
6 History of Christianity in Asia with special reference to India and Myanmar 3
  Total 18


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Pastoral Care and Counselling 3
2 Hebrew Poetry and Wisdom Books and Exegesis of Selected Texts of Job 3
3 Urban Mission 3
4 Indian Philosophy 3
5 Cultural Anthropology 3
6 Theology in Asia with special reference to India 3
  Total 18


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 Church Growth and Indigenization 3
2 Old Testament Theology 3
3 Contemporary Theological Trends 3
4 Pauline Thought 3
5 Theological and Psychological Methods of Counselling 3
6 Expository Preaching 2
  Total 17


SL.No. Subject Cre. Hrs.
1 New Testament Theology 3
2 Christian Ethics 3
3 Christian Apologetics 3
4 Church Management and Leadership 3
5 Prophetic Movement and Isaiah Exegesis 3
6 Christian Response to Contemporary Issues 3
  Total 18